سبک شوخی پیونددهنده
However, they still col- lapsed across various measures reflecting humor and sense of humor in their meta- analysis (affiliative humor style, sense of humor, and expression of positive humor), thus generating confounding results.
An affiliative humor style reflects a tendency to "say funny things, to tell jokes, and to engage in sponta- neous witty banter to amuse others, to facil- itate relationships, and to reduce interpersonal tensions" (R.
Consistent with these expectations, Ho, Wang, Huang, and Chen (2011) found a strong association between leader affiliative humor style and leadership effectiveness (r 1/4 .46), and Wisse and Rietzschel (2014) found a positive association between leader affiliative humor style and LMX (r 1/4 .16).
They found that the construct validity of affiliative humor style could be fully supported, but those of self- enhancing and aggressive humor styles received mixed evidence, and that of self- defeating humor style could not be supported.
For example, Pundt and Herrmann (2015) adapted the Affiliative Humor Style and Aggressive Humor Style subscales to measure leader humor in a follower rating version.
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